The Alpha Course

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. It runs in cafés, churches, universities, homes, bars—you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation.


Whether it's a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table, or a quick catch up over coffee and cake, food has a way of bringing people together. It's no different at Alpha. Most sessions start with food because it's a great way to build community and get to know each other.


The talks are designed to engage and inspire conversation. Usually around thirty minutes long, they can be given as a live talk or played as a video. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions from Who is Jesus? and How can we have faith? to Why and how do I pray? and How does God guide us?


Probably the most important part of any Alpha: the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and simply discuss it in a small group. There's no obligation to say anything and there's nothing you can't say (seriously). It's an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

Christ Church Alpha

So what about the Alpha course at Christ Church?  The course which is for anyone whether you are currently connected with Christ Church or not, is being run on Monday evenings starting 23 September normally from 7pm until 9pm except for the first and last nights when we start a little earlier at 6.45pm as we will be eating a meal together. ALTHOUGH THE COURSE HAS STARTED IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN IN.  SIGN UP BELOW TODAY!

The first evening is by way of a welcome meal.  Each subsequent Monday will start with some light tasty savoury and sweet nibbles. The talks will be on video which will be projected in the hall which is where the food and discussion groups will also take place... The course is completely free although a small donation towards the cost of food would be appreciated. An outline of the course topics and dates is shown below.

If you would like to join the course please complete the form below or, if it's a last minute decision to join, just turn up on the day and you will be made very welcome!  Please bring your friends along with you as we would love to welcome a big crowd, although everyone should sign up individually.  Can we emphasise that the course is intended to be informal and there will be no pressure on you to say anything if you don't want to and there will be no follow up if you decide after a couple of weeks you no longer wish to attend.  If you would like to know more about the sessions included on the course and even see a sample video (we will be using "Alpha Film") please visit

Christ Church Alpha Sign Up (or please just turn up next Monday!)


Telephone number:

Email address:

Dietary requirements (if any)