Using your gifts at Christ Church

Gifts together

God gives to all of us abilities which we are to use as Christians in serving him and the church which is Christ's body here on earth.  On Sunday January 27 Mark preached on this theme using the passage from 1 Corinthians 12:13-end which speaks about how everyone who is a Christian is to be involved in continuing to do Christ's work today.

What are your gifts and abilities?  How might you use them for God and in particular what opportunities are there for you to participate in what happens at Christ Church, Sandown? Well to help you with this, a booklet has been prepared which sets out some of the main roles and activities that take place in which you may wish to be involved.  To take a look at the booklet please click here.  Please consider what you would like to do and use the form below to send your thoughts through to Mark. Thank you!


Areas of Christ Church life in which you would like to be involved: